Spiritual Growth

3 Spiritual Practices That Helped Me Grow Closer To God


When I was younger, I was not very religious. I went to church on Sundays and said my prayers at night, but I did not have a deep relationship with God. I did not really understand what it meant to be a follower of Christ.

However, as I have gotten older, I have come to realize the importance of spirituality in my life. I have also come to understand that certain spiritual practices can help me grow closer to God.

In this article, I will share 3 spiritual practices that have helped me grow closer to God. I hope that these practices will help you grow closer to God as well.

1. Prayer: Prayer is the most powerful spiritual practice that has helped me develop a deep relationship with God. When we pray, we communicate with God and ask Him for guidance, strength, and wisdom. Prayer helps us connect with God on a personal level and helps us understand His plan for our lives. Furthermore, prayer allows us to express our gratitude and thankfulness for all the blessings we receive. It is through prayer that we can ask for forgiveness and receive the peace that comes with reconciling with God.

2. Reading and Studying the Bible: Reading and studying the Bible is another powerful spiritual practice that has helped me grow closer to God. The Bible is full of teachings and stories that have the power to transform our lives. It provides us with the wisdom and strength we need to navigate through life’s challenges. Studying the Bible has also provided me with the opportunity to learn more about God’s character and His plan for my life. I have found that the more I spend time reading and studying the Bible, the more I am able to understand God’s love and grace for me.

3. Meditation: Meditation is a spiritual practice that has helped me connect with God on a deeper level. It is a practice that involves quieting the mind and focusing on God’s presence. Meditation has helped me develop a greater awareness of God’s presence in my life and has helped me find inner peace and tranquility. During meditation, I focus on God’s word and allow His presence to fill my heart and mind. I have found that this practice helps me release stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions that hinder my spiritual growth.

In conclusion, these three spiritual practices have helped me grow closer to God and develop a deeper relationship with Him. They have helped me understand His love and grace for me and have provided me with the strength to navigate through life’s challenges. I invite you to try these practices and see how they can transform your life as well.

Resources to help with your daily walk with Christ

Many times we seek companionship to deal with the loneliness that we feel in our hearts that is why God created Eve for Adam (Gen 2:18).  It is better for a man or woman to be alone because he or she can dedicate most of his or her time to God, but if a person cannot control their desires then it is better for him or her to marry (1  Corinthians 7).